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Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Welcome to the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department at Musakasa Technical Training Institute. The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is among the first departments in Musakasa Technical Training Institute having been established in 2014.

We are focussed to give you reliable competency based technical knowledge, skills and attitudes including practical industrial experience.

Modern life style demands that every home, every office and every other place including manufacturing sectors, should have electricity to enable them function effectively. Modern life would be a disaster if electricity failed even for a single minute. Communication gadgets like mobile phones, satellites, medical facilities and even transport trains rely on electricity as their energy supplier and key operator in their functionality.

The Electrical and Electronic Department has been prepared to nurture the Technological requisite for the middle level Economic Development that our country, Kenya, is striving to achieve in its Vision 2030 dream. The department targets to train all levels of youth starting with the lowest cadre of KCPE graduates who join Artisan in Electrical Installation and if successful move on to Craft and then proceed to Diploma and those successful can move on the training ladder to be limited by the sky.

The programmes offered include:

  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering (Power Option)
  • Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Technology
  • Artisan in Electrical installation

Miss Lauryn Khaguya

Head Of Department - Electrical and Electronic Engineering